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What is Boba Tea?

Originating in Taiwan, this refreshing drink trend has spread worldwide. Traditional versions include an iced sweet milk tea paired with tapioca pearls (known…

MRE Meals Ready to Eat

MREs (military-grade emergency rations) provide four times more calories and protein than their civilian equivalents, packaged in retort pouches with an…

Shelf Life of MRE Meals

MREs contain a time and temperature indicator to signal when they're nearing their expiration date. When both circles match in color, they're close to reaching…

Heroin and Poppy Seeds

Poppy seed pods or "seed heads" can add texture and flavor to baked goods while also being an excellent source of B-complex vitamins (thiamin, pantothenic acid,…

Remove the Odor of Onion Soup

The flavor of an onion ranges from harsh and spicy to acidic and pungent to gentle and sweet, depending on the variety. Whether ground into a paste and served…