Qualifications of the Paving Company


Asphalt paving is a popular choice among both home and business owners alike due to its durability, aesthetics, low maintenance requirements, and safety benefits. Choose the best Asphalt Paving Contractors Ontario.

Less-than-reputable paving companies often cut corners or skimp on materials in order to offer lower pricing; unfortunately, this will end up costing the homeowner more in the long run.


Qualifications of a good paving company should include their ability to deliver quality work. Furthermore, an experienced contractor should possess knowledge of several applications and techniques, thus giving its customers access to an unrivaled range of services.

Paving contractors must meet the stringent standards required of government projects, which typically include safety standards, environmental protection measures, and quality control measures. Therefore, asphalt paving contractors must obtain certifications from state authorities after going through an intensive review process that analyzes their finances, previous experience working on projects, and compliance records with standards.

Some paving companies hire subcontractors to complete various components of a project, either to offer specific expertise or meet bidding requirements requiring women-, minority- and veteran-owned firms as suppliers. Either way, the paving company must ensure these subcontractors have all of the equipment and labor needed to get the job done on time and within budget.

Paving contractors need to market themselves as career opportunities if they hope to attract top workers. This is especially true when dealing with skilled trades like paving, where commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction can reap long-term rewards.


Paving companies need the appropriate licenses and insurance in order to operate legally in their locality, such as business permits, contractor’s licenses, and workers’ compensation insurance policies. Furthermore, it may be beneficial for them to open a bank account specifically dedicated to managing financial tasks; this helps separate personal from business accounts while offering customer purchase protection.

Selecting and negotiating with suppliers are critical elements of success in paving companies. A successful company should choose suppliers and contractors who offer quality materials at reasonable prices while offering flexible payment terms, helping reduce cash flow problems while improving profits.

Customer service is another crucial element. A paving company should treat potential clients with professionalism, communicate clearly, and use simple language when explaining technical terms. Furthermore, it must respond swiftly and appropriately when answering queries or addressing concerns raised by its clients.

Experience in working with specific materials used for each project is also crucial; for instance, if the job requires asphalt surfacing, the paving company must possess extensive expertise in laying it. References and photos from past clients should also be available, as should a written contract outlining project details such as scope, price, and estimated duration times, as well as providing warranties or guarantees should one exist.


High-quality equipment is essential to asphalt contractors. It enables them to work more efficiently while guaranteeing their clients receive quality products. A wide range of tools, such as cold planers, pavers, rollers, and seal coaters, must be available for every task imaginable.

Asphalt distributors require various vehicles, including standard dump trucks and articulated dump trucks with higher gross vehicle weight capacities than standard trucks, to transport large volumes of asphalt over extended distances.

Asphalt paving companies also require material transfer vehicles (MTVs). MTVs help pavers accept HMA from end dump or live bottom trucks more efficiently and may reduce truck waiting time at the paving site, aggregate segregation, and temperature differentials.

Pavers are at the core of every asphalt paving company. These machines use conveyor systems to transport hot mix asphalt into its rear chamber before spreading it across a predetermined width with the use of a screed. Screeds come in various shapes and sizes designed specifically to meet specific paving requirements.

Paving companies need rollers in addition to pavers for asphalt compaction before it cools, usually made up of pneumatic tire rollers and steel-wheeled rollers. Compaction is essential in creating robust and long-term pavement that reduces cracking and pothole formation.


Paving companies must have insurance policies that protect against accidents and lawsuits, including workers’ compensation, general liability, commercial auto, commercial property, and inland marine policies. With these in place, businesses can avoid paying expensive legal expenses, medical bills, or lost earnings while protecting clients against damage to their properties during renovation work.

Paving and asphalt contractors can purchase commercial general liability insurance to cover costs related to bodily injuries, property damage, copyright infringement, advertising injury, and other third-party risks. Clients typically require this policy before beginning work; workers’ compensation coverage provides wages while an injured worker recovers; it also helps with rehabilitation expenses, lost income replacement, and medical expenses.

Paving companies need additional insurance policies such as surety bonds, professional liability, and umbrella policies in their arsenal. Surety bonds reimburse clients if paving contractors fail to fulfill the terms of their contracts, while professional liability coverage – sometimes known as errors and omissions coverage – protects them from claims made due to mistakes in work performed or negligence from potential lawsuits made against the paving company.

Commercial property insurance is essential to any paving company as it safeguards its office, warehouse, and other facilities that store crucial documents and equipment—this includes any trucks or trailers used on job sites. Furthermore, all company vehicles should have commercial auto coverage.